PHd provides a wide range of services relating to most aspects of a client’s property related needs, including, but not exclusively:
PHd is an RIBA Chartered Practice and offers services to the industry as a whole, but specialises in:
The Practice success has been achieved by continual attention to client service. PHd provides all clients with a high degree of project ownership, with the emphasis on design, delivery and cost.
Pinnegar Hayward Design concentrate on building long term relationships with Government related and Blue Chip clients. This is illustrated by our history, ongoing Framework agreements and continuous working with our clients.
It is the same tried, tested and constantly improved strategy that we will bring to this project, but will then be developed and implemented in liaison with the client representatives and adapted to suit their individual needs. Pinnegar Hayward Design are proud of the fact that whilst we are large enough to cope with major projects, we are also small enough to care for individual clients and their representatives, and unlike many Practices, Pinnegar Hayward Design are committed to providing a personal service to the client. We ensure that each commission is run personally by one of the Directors and/or Associates, who will, throughout the duration of the project, maintain a day-to-day liaison with the client.